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   Sharon rotary News  

Support for local Pack 95!

Rotary was proud to welcome Pack 95 as our guest speakers at our meeting on November 18, 2024. Pack Leader Sean Hewitt and colleague spoke about the many inclusive programs offered by the Scouts in our community for youth in kindergarten up through high school. 
Sharon Rotary is sponsoring Pack 95 with a grant to support the purchase of new Scouting handbooks, which helps the Pack provide materials to all of its deserving youth participants. 
Scouting and Rotary share a proud ethos to serve our community and model goodwill towards all!
President Janel presenting Pack 95 with a Certificate of Appreciation for speaking to our club. 


Town of Sharon Recognizes Rotarian

Rotary Club of Sharon is incredibly proud of our own Don Williams who was recognized as "Citizen of the Year" by the Town of Sharon at the community's annual Sharon Day (which took place at Memorial Beach on Sunday, September 29th, 2024). 
You would be hard-pressed to find a committee or a program that Don is NOT a member of - he gives back in countless ways, he is involved and cares deeply about the citizens of Sharon. "Thank you for your service, Don!"

2024-2025 Club Officers Installation 

Sharon Rotary Club was graciously hosted by the owners and volunteers of Smokey Chestnut Farm Rescue in Norfolk, MA on July 15th for the Installation of the 2024-2025 Rotary Year and it was an inspiring backdrop for the occasion! The ceremony is a way to honor new officers, recognize members' contributions from the year we just closed, and reaffirm members' commitment to Rotary International's goals. 

Dave Clifton once again did the honors of swearing in the new officers including new President Janel Twogood. 

Highlights included a tour of the nonprofit animal rescue organization and we had the opportunity to meet the gentle animals who get to enjoy a safe home for the remainder of their lives. 


























1st Annual Youth Community Service Award Recognition

Sharon Rotary Club was pleased to present its first annual Youth Community Service Award to Sharon HS student, CP Pototsky at our July 8, 2024 meeting. 
CP's contributions to the community have inspired our club to such an extent that we created this new annual Award to recognize young people who display remarkable participation in service events sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sharon and by other civic groups. The Rotary Club's mission is "Service Above Self" and CP has shown that spirit through everything they have done to support Rotary Club activities.
To recognize CP's contributions, they were presented with a certificate of appreciation and with an unrestricted $500 cash award.


President Janel Twogood (far right) and Board member Karen Sprung (far left) present CP with the award. 

New Members Inducted + Guest Speaker

Sharon Rotary Club welcomes our newest members, Scott Rosa and Dr. Meg Dussault! 
The June 17th, 2024 meeting's agenda also included a presentation from Sharon High School student Neil Dutta who is spreading awareness about the charitable work he is involved with in Kenya. In partnership with Kenyan-based organization, Matanya's Hope, Neil is fundraising for projects that support local school children's access to meals and clean water, to enable their attendance at school each day. 

2024 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

     Sharon High School student Aishu Saravanan was chosen to receive sponsorship by our club to attend this year's RYLA retreat which took place May 15-17, 2024.
Rotary Youth Leaders Awards (RYLA) is Rotary International’s outdoor leadership retreat for high school students. Sophomores and juniors are invited to attend a weekend-long event, where they cultivate life and leadership skills including goal setting, cultural understanding, problem solving, communication, public speaking, community building, team building and more!
There was an impressive total of 26 students from our district who attended this year's event!
Aishu was a guest speaker on November 27, 2023 to tell us about her Newborn Health Screening in India project.
President Jane Desberg seen here presenting Aishu with a Certificate of Appreciation. 


District 7950 Annual Conference - May 2024

May 3-5, 2024 members of our club attended the District 7950 Conference for Rotary Year 2024-2025, in Southborough, MA. 
The Rotary Club of Sharon is a proud recipient of four awards for the 2023-2024 Rotary year. The honorable mentions include the "Presidential Award of Excellence"
Much fun was had by all, including Past President Dave Clifton!


District 7950 Service Project - May 2024

As part of attending the 2024 Rotary District 7950 Conference, Sharon Rotarians helped package 30,000 meals on Sunday, May 5, 2024 for the Worcester Food Bank to address food insecurity in our region.
We also packaged the 100 Millionth “Meal of Hope” food package!

Guest Speaker - April 29, 2024

District Governor Nominee Nicole Brien joined us for our Club Assembly.

Guest Speakers - March 18, 2024

The Rotary Club of Sharon was pleased to host members of "Team Unlimited 001" (robotics club for local high schoolers) at our weekly evening meeting on March 18th.

In addition to competing and winning robotics competitions at the national and international levels, "Team Unlimited" members intentionally give back to the community by mentoring elementary students to help spread interest for science and technology in young, developing minds!
At end of the presentation, Rotarian President-Elect Janel Twogood presented Team Unlimited with a Certificate of Appreciation.

To learn more about "Team Unlimited", visit their website: https://www.ftc0001.org/

Guest Speaker - February 5, 2024

On February 5th, The Rotary Club of Sharon had the pleasure of welcoming guest speaker Doug Brendel, founder of "NewThing" (www.newthing.net) and we learned about the nonprofit's humanitarian aid distribution operation in Belarus.

At end of the presentation, Rotarian Steve Savrann (left) presented Doug (right) with a Certificate of Appreciation.